The JB community does not realize that for every JBer that uses tweaks there are 10 pirates and unlockers.
— Stefan Esser (@i0n1c) April 29, 2012
Perdebatan diantara komunitas jailbreak tentang pembajakan apps/tweaks memang tidak ada habisnya. Banyak yang menentang (piracy) dan tidak sedikit juga yang membela diri dengan alasan yang bermacam-macam. Yang jelas, apapun alasannya membajak aplikasi $ 0.99 ataupun $ 9.99 sama-sama mencuri.
Setelah mengikuti diskusi dari iDownloadBlog, berikut ini adalah pendapat beberapa orang tentang piracy.
Saurik (developer Cydia) bisa saja memblokir source yang berisi/memungkinkan orang untuk menginstall apps/tweaks bajakan.
I don’t want to sound dumb…
but isn’t there a way Saurik (developer of Cydia if i’m correct) can just disallow/block repos from being added or block pirate repos.Was that dumb or is this possible?
I’ve seen Cydia’s source code for adding repos: it checks with saurik’s server to see whether it should show the pirated repo warning. If saurik was to log every added repo via that check, we would be able to see a fairly accurate percentage of how many people add pirate repos. Of course, this won’t track the repos if they’re already added, but still a reasonable idea.
Tapi tentu saja akan ada banyak orang yang tidak setuju jika Saurik melakukan ini.
I’m sure there is a way. I’m guessing he doesn’t want the criticism.
Cydia was created as a reaction of Apples restrictions and their idea of a closed ecosystem where they rule about what goes in and out. If Saurik does the same, maybe people will say he’s defeating the purpose of Cydia.
I agree 100% with you though. That would solve some problems.
Saya pun belum pernah bertemu dengan orang yang sama sekali belum pernah menginstall aplikasi bajakan pada iPhone miliknya.
I didn’t met a single person in my life that did jailbreak thier phone and did not install pirated software.
Saying that jailbreakers are not pirates is pure bullshit!
Pembajakan tidak bisa dihilangkan. Dan kebanyakan orang yang membajak apps/tweak berasal dari Asia, terutama dari negara-negara berkembang di mana tidak semua orang memiliki akun PayPal atau kartu kredit. Benarkah itu?
there is no way on earth you can stop pirating but the one thing people should remember is that many jailbreakers who download pirates apps and tweaks are people who does not have the opportunity to buy them, most of them are from asia, developing countries which not everyone have paypal and have credit cards.
Ada juga maling yang mau ngaku.
I’m an iOS and Cydia pirate. The main I jailbreak is to pirate apps because I don’t want to pay. Thank you Installous and xSellize! If you guys want to pay for apps and tweaks that’s fine by me, but I’ll just hang on to my money and get everything for free and I admit it.
Bukan aplikasi yang dibajak tapi musik, apakah boleh?
I don’t pirate apps, just music.
Yang membajak hanya anak di bawah umur 13 tahun saja? Ah masa sih?
I do think most jail breakers are pirates. Just because most (or a lot) jailbreakers are 13 year old kids.. It’s not that most of them don’t want to pay, it’s that most 13 year olds don’t have credit cards. That makes buying jailbreak tweaks or themes less accessible as buying an app on the app store.
MuscleNerd pun berbicara. Menurutnya, Aaron Ash (developer dari Barrel) pernah mengaku kalau ada 3,5 juta orang yang menggunakan Barrel, tapi hanya ada sekitar seratusan orang yang benar-benar membelinya.
Actually according to Aaron Ash who spoke at last year’s gathering:
“My Barrel app is being used by three and half million people, but the proportion of people who actually paid for it is now about one in a hundred,” he said.
That’s a 99% piracy rate for Barrel.
Orang yang mengaku membajak apps/tweak dengan alasan ingin “try it before buying” tidaklah masuk akal.
Don’t get me wrong I am completly against community piracy and I hate that the excuse “we want to try it before buying” is used by people who pirate everything anyway but it would be a nice concept. There do need to be more trial versions of things. I love the open “unrestricted” community that jailbreaking is but people need to be more respectful.
Look at iMatte. The developer just released an amazing theme with a rediculous amount of addons for free and all he asked for was that of you enjoy it that you donate. That what people need to do.
Apakah Anda semua punya alasan tersendiri untuk membajak apps/tweaks?