Jailbreak 74 langkah

Menggunakan program semacam Redsn0w terasa sulit bagi Anda? Bagaimana kalau Absinthe yang cuma sekali klik? Kalau masih terasa sulit, pasti Anda adalah orang tipe JailbreakMe, yang cuma mengandalkan jempolnya untuk melakukan jailbreak.

Tahukah Anda? Sebelum ada JailbreakMe yang cuma sekali tap di layar, jailbreak dulu (tahun 2007) prosesnya membutuhkan sekitar 74 langkah yang sangat merepotkan. Proses ini dimulai dari men-download file yang dibutuhkan, teks dan hex editing, ubah permission, hingga mengaktifkan server SSH yang tujuannya cuma satu, yaitu untuk meng-install Installer.app (pendahulu Cydia). Repotnya lagi, sebagian besar proses ini dilakukan dari command-line (CMD di Windows). Sangat horror kalau cuma dibandingkan dengan Cinject-nya Absinthe, apalagi JailbreakMe.

Setelah tutorial jailbreak 74 langkah tersebut dibuat oleh the amazing planetbeing (ya, @planetbeing), planetbeing akhirnya membuat tutorial sekaligus merilis touchFree program jailbreak otomatis pertama yang exploit-nya berbasis libTiff.

I also wrote the code for the first jailbreakme.com, by the way, on top of the dissection HD Moore did for Metasploit of that TIFF exploit by niacin and dre.
Glad we were able to make the journey together. 🙂


Thanks to hdm of Metasploit, we are now armed with the knowledge of how to custom-craft our own exploit tiffs. His groundwork with reliable code execution has made better jailbreaks possible. He is especially to be admired for the pedagogical detail that allows everyone to have a better understanding of his techniques and the internals of the device.

Based upon his work, I have created a tiff that entirely jailbreaks the iPod, installs Installer.app and OpenSSH, along with an easy on/off program that lets you switch SSH/SFTP/SCP on or off for both security and battery saving purposes.


Good job planetbeing!